Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Since Christmas I've been pretty busy:
I got a new roommate! She is, and was, an answer to my prayers. Not only did she come rescue me in a time where I didn't think I would ever find anyone to move in but she brightens each and every single day.

New Years was spent cuddled up on the couch with the love of my life, Dave, barely staying awake to kiss at midnight.

  There was a trip to Vegas with Dave 

Family in town
(my cousin Em)

Valentine's Day cruise with my best friend while our men are away.

A visit from Dave for President's day where we went up in the Washington Monument. We were the last group they let go up since it was crazy windy. They shut down the monument for visitors which they never do. I almost got blown away, seriously.

Took a trip down to Hampton with my best friend to visit her family and mine.
Flew to Miami and drove to Key West with my best friend Aaron to spend some time together before he deploys.

 Spent some quality time with my sister when she came to visit.

Had an amazing birthday with fantastic family and friends.

In between I've cooked dinner for friends, had dinner cooked for me, gone to weekly Bible study, seen some movies, done some crafts, enjoyed time with friends, read on my new Kindle (not to be confused with a Ken Doll, which I also got for my birthday) and had Skype dates with my Dave. Life is good. Simple, fun, beautiful, and good. You're all caught up, now on to the next things that come my way.

Monday, March 21, 2011

25-feeling alive

I've been so busy living life that I haven't sat down or had the time to blog lately. I love that fact. I just turned 25 on Saturday and with my old age comes wisdom. I've finally found my happiness in life in regards to God, friends, work, and love. I am content and fulfilled. To celebrate my birthday my goofy friends and I had an 80's bowling birthday party. And since we were going with the 5 year old theme they decorated with only my favorite Disney character ever (The little mermaid*), bright nail polish as favors, and a Ken doll as a present! Needless to say the day was amazing and I feel so very loved by all my friends.

 The table.   

All the girls

glow in the dark bowling

The roomies super thoughtful, wonderful, touching surprise. Reasons why my favorite people are grateful for me!

My core 4-the Bible study ladies.

* When I was a little girl I used to pray that God would turn me into a mermaid. And my sister and I would cross out legs in the pool and pretend they were fins. Special, special girls we are.
Thanks to everyone who came out. I truly and deeply cherish your friendship.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


My sister and I giving kisses under the mistletoe.

This Christmas I have to say was probably one of the best in a while. It wasn't because of the presents I got (even though I got some goodies) but because I got to spend ACTUAL Christmas with my family. My sister and Grams came into town and we all went to Christmas Eve service together. My favorite part was ending the service in a circle in the dark with lit candles while singing Silent Night and telling the person next to us that they are "the light of the world". We then went to our traditional Indian restaurant for dinner. I think we were all a little concerned that Grams wouldn't find anything she liked but luckily she did and I think she even enjoyed it! 
Today was spent in our pajama's just hanging out, opening presents, eating, and helping Grams set up her Nook and digital picture frame. It even snowed for a brief moment which was wonderful. The only mishap we had was me slamming my finger in the door which turned out fine because my mom was on hand to help take care of me. All in all an awesome day. Hope your Christmas was as enjoyable.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I ran into my friend Zach today on my way back to the office after lunch. It was random, unexpected, and I was honestly so excited to see him. If he hadn't been on crutches I might have knocked him over with the force of my hug from the excitement, but I refrained. It reminded me of when I first came to Walter Reed to visit him. He was going to be here recuperating from an IED blast. Countless surgeries later, months in a wheelchair, he is now on his own two feet with the help of crutches (for now).  He has another surgery soon and as far as I know, and that should be it for a while.  Part of the reason I was so happy to see him in the halls of Walter Reed is because if it weren't for him and the situation that brought him here I would never have met Dave.  Seeing him reminded me of the day that I met my boyfriend here in this very hospital. I love how God can take a terrible situation and have something wonderful come from it. I think it's amazing how things work. The times in my life when I had no direction and the choices that I made ended up taking me where I am today. I know that that's how every one's life is but when you look at it in a certain way it's really remarkable.
Finding Dave:
After college moved to Fl with Megan. While in Florida I met Walter through Megan. Through Walter I met Zach. Moved to DC to help my family. Zach got hurt, through Walter I learned about Zach's girlfriend (Jess) who needed some support and Army lingo help and who I now live with. I went with Jess to visit Zach and on that first visit I met Dave.
When I write it out like that it seems so fast but it was a 3 year time frame.  I'm still in awe because at the time I felt like I had no direction and yet I've been taken care of and have ended up in probably a better place than I could have planned for myself.
So yaaaaay for Zach and his recovery and for all the goods things we've all been blessed with.


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